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7 Top Tips to Get into a Model Agency

Congratulations!!!! You have been invited to visit a modelling agency and even though you are super excited, the nerves are slowly starting to creep in! Keep calm, it is perfectly normal to feel anxious and worried about the meeting as the outcome could potentially change your life. I’ve got you covered with some top tips to survive an agency visit. Absorb all the following information and try to see the opportunity positively to avoid running for the hills – don’t worry we all want to do that at some point in our professional career.


Think about what you are going to wear to arrive at the modelling agency as looking disheveled and uncomfortable will give a bad first impression. Ensure that you choose an outfit that is smart, comfortable and presentable. Wash and iron your outfit prior to the day and wear the right colour underwear to avoid embarrassment. Do not wear heels if you are travelling a fair distance as your feet will start to swell. Take a pair with you to change into if necessary. Ensure that your outfit is ready the night before to avoid any wrong last minute decisions.


Consider all of the options of what will be asked of you and practice prior to the day. Perfect your poses, walk and answers to questions to come across dedication to your profession and eager to make it as a model with the agency. If unsure of a question, be honest as being untruthful will not be welcomed by the organisation.


Find out the exact location, deciding the best route, mode of transport and length of time to get there. Driving, walking or getting the bus or train will all have positives and negatives yet weigh up the best option. Leave with enough time to arrive promptly, taking into account delays from traffic or other problems. Arriving late to the meeting will not go down well and leave you flustered.


Sometimes nerves can leave your stomach feeling queasy and unable to eat. Make sure you do have at least a piece of toast and a glass of water as you will feel surprising better afterwards and ready to face the day ahead. Hunger may actually make you feel a lot worse and unsteady as you travel to your appointment.

Believe in yourself

It is easy to automatically put yourself down, which is what a lot of people tend to do. However, when putting yourself in a nerve wracking situation it is much more beneficial to think positively and of all the good things about yourself. Thinking optimistically will radiate out giving you a naturally confident aroma.

Take deep breaths

Many begin to feel panicked by the anxious feeling as you arrive at an important agency meeting. Before entering take some deep breaths to feel calmer by relaxing your breathing considerably. Giving yourself a couple of minutes to calm yourself will make you feel so much better. Drink a glass of water also to regulate your breathing and squash the nerves a little.

What’s the worst that can happen?

Remember there are a lot of modelling agencies populating cities all over the world. If you don’t get into this one there will be others to try and with more experience you may get signed further into your career. Do not put all your hopes on one agency. Contact a wide selection, try your best and see what happens. Life is for living so go and get it!

Do you have any top tips to offer when attending a model agency meeting? We would love to hear your ideas.

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